
The East - Zselic hunting are, located south to Kaposvár, is 7,600 hectares. Its 65 % is covered with forest and the climatic relief conditions provide very unique features to the region. The oak, beech and linden trees and the atmosphere of the place remind the hunting visitors of the highlands and provide very nice experiences. The so-called „vörösalma” stag being 10th in the world ranking list with the trophy of 14.05 kg and 263.88 C.I.C. points came from here in 2002. In addition to the red deer the wild boar hunting is also very important. Most of them are hunted by either stalking or driving. In addition to the 180 hectare cropland for game, a wild boar enclosure of 200 hectares also belongs to this hunting ground.




Vörösalma hunting lodge is located in the heart of this hunting area in the shore of a fishing pond in an impressive environment. It provides accommodation at first class level for ten guests.